Monday, May 4, 2009

First two videos/other news and ramblings

I finally completed the first two FaceHead videos. I put the finishing touches (mixing and timing the music and the overdubs, etc.) on both of them and uploaded them last night. I would provide direct links in this post, but YouTube is blocked at my school (where I am currently writing this from), so I will give each video an individual post later, but for now, you can just go to the FaceHeadVideo YouTube page and access them there.

The first video I uploaded is called "Vote for Me." It is a campaign video for Tom Perkins' bid for class President against Kevin. The second video I uploaded is titled "Mother's Day Tips." It is pretty self descriptive, as it is a funny video offering you tips on how to make your mothers feel appreciated on Mother's Day.

I also would like to tell you about how I am (kind of) connected to two of my video-making idols, Luke Barats and Joe Bereta of Barats and Bereta fame. About two years ago or so, I found myself with some rare content made by Luke and Joe Bereta that was not available on YouTube (or anywhere else that I could find). So, I created a YouTube account, baratsandberetarare, to give these videos an online home. Every so often, I would gain access to a new video, put it up, and it would get a pretty decent amount of views. Every now and then, Luke and Joe would have a problem with some of the videos I put up, saying that they were not satisfied with them or that they were ideas currently being developed by them, so I took them down. Since, we have sent a few messages back and forth. It is an honor to be in contact with Luke and Joe, because I look upon them so highly.

Some of the videos on baratsandberetarare have gained some popularity and have garnered a decent number of views. That inspired me to start making videos myself. I am good at writing and I'm told that I'm pretty funny, so I thought I could make a decent filmmaker as well. Right now, I am working with pretty amateur equipment, but I plan to invest some time and money improving that. When I come into more money (which oughta be happening soon), I plan on purchasing a decent camera (maybe one of those Flip video cameras: I've seen video taken with those and it looks pretty good, and the camera is only about $200), a tripod and maybe some lighting.

So anyways, go watch the first two videos at and if you like them, please subscribe and tell everybody you've ever met in your entire life about my videos.


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