Friday, May 22, 2009

Busy busy busy...

Hello gang, sorry about not having any new videos for a while, but I have been INSANELY busy lately. First off, in northern Maine around this time is year is fiddlehead season, and my family and I pick a lot of fiddleheads, so that consumes a lot of my time. Also, I am going to the prom (tomorrow, actually), so I've also been spending time getting ready for that. And finally, since I was gone on my trip to Ireland, I fell a little behind in school, so whatever time I had left was being spent on catching up with that.

Don't fret though: I was actually reminded to make a post in the blog because I was starting to edit a video. I thought it would be a good idea to keep whoever actually reads this updated while I wait for my video clips to import into iMovie. So, I will be working on that video; it shouldn't take too long for me to finish. All right, that's all I have, have a good one, gang.

P.S. - Check out this video I made during my Ireland trip when we stopped in Philadelphia:

"Running Up the Rocky Steps"


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